Islington, September 2013

Today was a classic site visit in the pouring rain; standing surrounded by building detritus and imagining such a time as when we might all sit in the finished garden, in the sunshine, drinking cups of tea. Funny how whenever I think about one of my designs coming to life and being a real, habitable garden, it’s always on a sunny day. Something about optimism – and determinism – that all the mess will be transformed into the garden idyll promised by my design.


It’s been a long while since I first put pen to paper on this garden, but we’re on track now. Building work on the house is drawing to a close and everyone is starting to turn their heads to the garden. The best bit today? Seeing the beautiful Emery et Cie cement tiles installed as a surround to the sedum roof terrace. Such a nice detail. Can’t wait to see the rest of it come together now.
